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Amazing Health benefits of Miracle leaf

Miracle leaf is a green leaf traditionally used to treat numerous diseases such as respiratory, diarrhoea, ulcer etc.

It is scientifically known as Bryophyllum pinnatum, belongs to the crassulaceae family.

Believed to have been originated from Africa countries like Nigeria and Madagascar.

The medicinal plant that can easily germinate when falls to the ground, is called Abamoda in Yoruba language.

Whether you chew, squeezed, boil in water or soak in cold water for hours before consumption, it offers a lot of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial properties, which enable it dramatically deal with various kinds of disease.

Importantly, these properties are linked to the overwhelming health benefits of miracle leaf such as respiratory diseases, arthritis, ulcer, kidney stones, cancer.

Additionally, the Abamoda leaf is packed with a plethora of natural compounds include alkaloids, triterpenes, glycosides flavonoids,steroids, bufadienolides, lipids and organic acids.

Lets check out the Amazing Health benefits of Miracle leaf

1. Peptic Ulcer 

Many people consume adequate amount of miracle leaf to cure and calm harmful effect of peptic ulcer.

Ulcer is clinically seen as an injury or sour in the mucosal linings of the stomach.

Chewing and taking extracts from miracle leaf helps your body generates substantial amount of natural compounds that aid in ulcer treatment.

2. Moderate high blood pressure 

Remember, high blood pressure predisposes you to heart failure, stroke. Whereas normal blood circulation keeps you healthy.

Miracle leaf possess different bioactive compounds, that can greatly normalise proper flow of blood round the body. It reduces build up in the arterial walls, offering you an ideal function of the heart.

3. Treat Respiratory problems 

Respiratory diseases are abnormalities the occurs in the lungs as well obstruct the airways.

You can minimise symptoms of cough, asthma by chewing miracle leaf or boiling as it contains antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral properties that help our body inhibit symptoms related to respiratory diseases.


4. Cancer prevention 

It is an established fact that appropriate intake of this plant protect the body against cancerous growth.


A study conducted proves that miracle leaf may eliminate free radicals, main causes of oxidative damage.

Although, more research is required to ascertain this claim.

5. Healing properties 

In terms of wound healing, miracle leaf is celebrated, owing to presence of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral properties.

Oce applied on the surface of the wound, it destroye bacteria growth, and viral infection.

The medicinal plant, is said to enhance cell regeneration.

6. Immunomodulatory

As a power house of vital nutrients and phytochemical, assist at improving your immune system.

Immune system protect our against bacteria, virus which ordinarily weaks immune system.


7. Antiinflammatory & antimicrobial properties

These properties helps inhibit formation of bacteria infection, viral and inflammation.


8. Digestive problems

In terms of digestion, the leaf helps prevent symptoms of indigestion like diarrhoea.


9. Pile (Haemorrhoids).

In the herbal homes, pile is one of the diseases that involve uncontrolled disease.



This is a plant used in different home to serve as Abamoda.

It possesses a lot of Properties such as healing, cancer, blood pressure, dizziness among others.

Miracle can showed or hear true love.

Amazing Health benefits of Miracle leaf.


Ojeoru Goodluck is a passionate health writer who has written numerous articles on health. He obtained bachelor of science in nutrition and dietetics.

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